**Updated 4/13/97**
All materials are copyrighted to the author of the links and revisions of resources herein. You may use this resource for academic, non-profit ends, citing it in good faith.

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Vedavid is an Indological research resource. It is strongly recommended that you review the overview and how the site operates, as Vedavid presents a massive database which can be quickly bewildering. the overview is short, and summarily linked, with access to all points noted below, and more via "Site Links." If you've been here before, or are the type to never ask directions, then you may as well venture directly into the site's research resources currently available:

	The text of 
	Easy instructions with working examples for using this site.	
	Quick & easy links to the Internet's best Indological Resources
	Explanation of Vedic accent in the Shatapatha.
	Technical resources for IBM, Mac, and WWW Indological work
	Online keys to electronic citation, e-texts, and bibliographies
	All cross-references between the Shatapatha and the Rig Veda
	Instructions for using Van Nooten & Holland's e-text of the RV

It was created--and continues to be updated--as the repository of research for a study of the early developments of the terminology for the self in Vedic South Asia. Vedavid contains over 850 files, with over 6,000 links, filling some 9mb of space (with kind thanks to the indulgence of my server). As above, I suggest you first review how the site operates, then look below. The following resources are currently included:

	Simple overview for the passing surfer
	Introduction to the research database & its principles
	General introduction to this innovation of HTML as research tool
	Conspectus of citations for uses of "self terminology" in the RV
	RV in 8-bit ASCII enabling passage-to-passage study of word use
	Standard bio data  
	Special thank you to some of the many who've helped along the way
	Coming Soon: segments of the study for review and critique

As you might expect, comments are welcome:atman@vedavid.org