As XML is related to SGML, minor changes I shall implement will enable XML creation in these programs (for instance, WordPerfect 8.0 is only $49--the only software suggested herein which entails a cost, and which writes/checks SGML). Disciplines can make their own specific XML tags--even particular departments can--without need of international agreement. This is because XML does what SGML does not: allows any tag to be used as long as it is used consistently, is always closed (with a marker), has its attributes in quote marks, and is consistent with upper/lowercase use.
Formating for printing, PDF, RTF (rich text for most word processors), or HTML can be done with JADE written by visionary Jim Clark (who also spearheaded DSSSL standards) in order to create a printable copy, like PDF and the use of XSL style sheets, and there is an automated free mechanism for this. I will be configuring this set of gizmo's.
XML, unlike SGML, has a few differences so that browsers can read it, and individuals can literally make their own tags for labelling new kinds of data or discoveries. With new free tools, XML can be converted to PDF, RTF, or HTML for various forms of reading. Disciplines such as Astonomy, Bioinformatics, and mathematics have already made their own set of XML tags.