When Vedavid was first created, the notion of internet scholarship in 1995 and 1996 was still quite young. There were a few scholars with homepages, universities were reluctantly creating basic home sites with a handful of links (mostly phone numbers and snail mail addresses), and a few serious pioneers doing innovative things. A file over 20k was a slow load as most were confined to dial-ups. Creating megabytes worth of texts, with over 12,000 hand-created (yes!!) links crisscrossing them was largely unprecedented.
A major goal of this site, then, was to enable access to these resources for anyone, even those with commandline browsers and dial-up. It still is, and so what some might want to see in this web site for fonts and flashiness I maintain, instead, in access--not only for lower bandwidth but also for persons with disabilities. See Tools & Links in the Fonts section.
In place of the now-outdated early technical resource links, Tools & Links forms the primary resource here. It's left largely in its original format with extensive content update. Therein you will find a selection of online Indology links, copyright/citation resources, and online journals. It is the original "Methods and Technology" page that has been part of the site in various iterations from the beginning.
Comments are welcome, and please provide links you feel appropriate of e-texts, tools, or software (open-source preferred) - feel free to email me with comments technical or philosophical.